Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dream World

So lately I have been changing my style up a little...

I have been in love with some fun edits and have tried to branch out from the "normal" edits...

I still edit all the images with a basic edit to give to my clients but I wanted to post some I like to think portray a Dream World appearance...


I just laugh when I see this next photo. The lady in the background isn't sure what to do about the situation and her face is priceless. Let me also explain we purposely let the chocolate blow in the wind. I didn't just stand there and take a picture and just ignore the mess...


I love how happy Sam's mom and brother are in this picture. I think they just thought I was crazy standing on the balcony...

While I captured my FAVORITE picture of the night...
I am seriously in love with the picture above. I had to climb a ladder in my big black boots, pray the floor of the balcony wasn't going to cave in, and figure out a way to get down after the picture was taken. They might have thought I was nuts, but I think it turned out so cute! I love the different angle approach! Check out my website (on the side of my blog at the top) and click on the Forever icon then weddings to see it bigger!


Again, I am so happy for you two! Thanks for letting me document your wedding!